A MUST WATCH!!! US public school kids indoctrinated in Islam!


"In late May of 2010, Wellesley, Massachusetts public middle school students took a field trip to the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center - a controversial Saudi-funded mega-mosque run by the Muslim American Society of Boston. There, the students were separated by gender and the boys were asked to join the Muslim adults in their prayer. Several of the public school boys took part."


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Ahmadinejad criticizes threat of new US sanctions

"TEHERAN, Iran — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticized the threat of new sanctions against his country Wednesday, saying Iran can survive without the aid of the United States and its allies. Ahmadinejad told NBC News in an interview that Iran was justified in barring further visits by United Nations atomic inspectors."

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AFP: Russia to supply Syria with cruise missiles

"MOSCOW — Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov confirmed in Washington that Russia would supply Syria with P-800 Yakhont cruise missiles, Russian news agencies reported Friday. 'We will supply Yakhont (supersonic cruise missiles) to Syria, we will fulfil the contract,' Serdyukov was quoted as saying by ITAR-TASS news agency..."

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Will Indiana Rep. Mike Pence be our new President in 2012?

Mike Pence Wins Iowa Straw Poll 2010: House Republican Tops GOP Field For 2012 Ticket: Mike Pence
"WASHINGTON — A straw vote suggests that social conservatives favor Indiana Rep. Mike Pence to head a Republican presidential ticket with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in 2012."

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Report: U.S. Ignoring Creeping Threat from Sharia Law - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

"A group of national security experts is urging the Obama administration to change its current stance on the link between terrorism and Islam."

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Censored Gulf news: Sick filmmaker radio host shocking lab report (video and audio) - National Human Rights | Examiner.com

"An ill Pensacola, Florida reporter received his volatile organic compounds (VOCs) lab results this week that indicate shocking toxic levels. He has been reporting on the Gulf of Mexico operation since June 3rd."

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Iran Warns that U.S. War Ships are Within Range of Missiles

Iran Warns that U.S. War Ships are Within Range of Missiles
"In today’s Tehran Times publication, Major General Yahya Safvi warned that all of the United States Warships in the Persian Gulf are within range of their land based missile systems.

This seems to be a veiled threat to the United States to stay out of the affairs of the Iranian government and that any provocation by the U.S. would be met with military force by the Iranian leadership."

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AHMADINEJAD COMING TO U.S. NEXT WEEK: Netanyahu may be in U.S., too Joel Rosenberg’s Weblog

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to come to New York City next week for his annual pilgrimmage to the opening of the U.N. General Assembly’s fall session. He is expected to once again pray for Allah to ”hasten” the coming of the “Twelfth Imam” or the “Promised One.” He may also all for a “new world order,” after making such a call during a summit this week with African leaders."

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Abbas threatens to resign if direct peace talks fail

Abbas threatens to resign if direct peace talks fail
"Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is once again threatening to resign – this time if the direct peace talks fail, a senior PA official said over the weekend."

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SPACE.com -- Like Moths to a Flame, Alien Planets Can Flock to Nearest Star

...God created the Heavens and the Earth!
"A newfound alien solar system with planets the size of Saturn circling close to their star is helping astronomers learn how some giant worlds snuggle up to their stellar parents like moths to a flame."

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3-Million-Year-Old Whale Unearthed at the San Diego Zoo : Discovery News

"Workmen constructing a storm water equalization tank this week at the San Diego Zoo dug up a surprising find: a 3-million-year-old whale."

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Are You a "2012 Project" Follower? ...Yet?

"Are you a 2012 Project Follower?"  

Dear Readers,
I want to express a heart felt "Thanks!" to the thousands who have been viewing my posts! ...And to all of you who are now following "The 2012 Project" posts on Twitter! ( http://twitter.com/2012whoswho ) 

Even though I was enjoying my news sources! ...I was starting to feel like no one else was reading my blog, (because very few have signed up as "Followers".) ...Then I checked my Blogger stats and to my delight and amazement there are over 3,000 or you out there who have visited my site and are reading my posts! I am humbled, honored and so encouraged. I will work harder than ever to tweak this site adding more pertinent news sources and ministry links to help you all correlate for yourselves, breaking current world news stories with "End Time" Bible prophecy. 

Also, in case you haven't noticed I have changed the heading to include the mission statement of "The 2012 Project"  Please check that out.

Again thanks and if there is any positive comments concerning this blog, please feel free to reply via an email or a quick phone recorded phone message to me on Skype.  Again, "Thanks for stopping by my blog!"

Blessing to you all!  :)

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PAGER - Rapid Assessment of an Earthquake's Impact

PAGER - Rapid Assessment of an Earthquake's Impact
Click picture for real time accurate reports.


YES! There's a 100 percent chance of an earthquake today! Though millions of persons may never experience an earthquake, they are very common occurrences on this planet. So today -- somewhere -- an earthquake will occur.

It may be so light that only sensitive instruments will perceive its motion; it may shake houses, rattle windows, and displace small objects; or it may be sufficiently strong to cause property damage, death, and injury.

It is estimated that about 700 shocks each year have this capability when centered in a populated area. But fortunately, most of these potentially destructive earthquakes center in unpopulated areas far from civilization.

Since a major portion of the world's earthquakes each year center around the rim of the Pacific Ocean (Ring of Fire), referred to by seismologists as the circum-Pacific belt, this is the most probable location for today's earthquake. But it could hit any location, because no region is entirely free of earthquakes.

Stating that an earthquake is going to occur today is not really "predicting earthquakes". To date, they cannot be predicted. But anyone, on any day, could make this statement and it would be true. This is because several million earthquakes occur annually; thereby, thousands occur each day, although most are too small to be located. The problem, however, is in pinpointing the area where a strong shock will center and when it will occur.

Earthquake prediction is a future possibility, though. Just as the Weather Bureau now predicts hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms, the NEIC may one day issue forecasts on earthquakes. Earthquake research was stepped up after the Alaska shock in 1964. Today, research is being conducted by the USGS and other federal and state agencies, as well as universities and private institutions. Earthquake prediction may some day become a reality, but only after much more is learned about the earthquake mechanism

USGS Earthquake ShakeMaps

USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes TODAY!

USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes - Past 7 days

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USGS M5+ Earthquakes - Past 7 days