Chavez hopes to lead 'New World Order'!

"If the rest of the world has been crying out for the leadership of Iran and Venezuela, we've missed it, but their presidents, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez, have heard their plea and answered it. In Tehran, Chavez , who is on a seven-nation tour, said the two countries were united, and indeed have formed a 'strategic alliance,' to build 'a new world order' to end the dominance of the U.S. and the West in global affairs. Ahmadinejad helpfully added that the U.S. and other Western nations were already 'on the verge of collapse.'"

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I pray for the students in LU who were subjected to this hate.

"Lincoln University [in Pennsylvania] History Professor Kaukab Siddique is in the eye of a new storm in the United States, after several statements he made calling for the destruction of Israel prompted US senators to urge an investigation in the matter. Speaking at a recent Labor Day rally, Siddique said: ‘We must stand united to defeat, to destroy, to dismantle Israel – if possible by peaceful means… For the Jews, I would say, ‘See what could happen to you if the Muslims wake up.’ And I say to the Muslims, Dear brothers and sisters – unite and rise up against this hydra-headed monster which calls itself Zionism…."

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Deadly Indian superbug reported for first time in Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Hospital - Nir Keidar
"A deadly 'superbug' impervious to antibiotics has been detected for the first time in Israel. Doctors at the Sheba hospital outside Tel Aviv say they have detected signs of the New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1 – commonly known as NDM-1 – in the past few days."

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Israel claims exclusive ownership of Jerusalem: Voice of Russia

From Russia's point of view....

Listen to report here.
"The Israeli government will shortly send a draft of a law to the country’s parliament in pursuance of a plan to raise the status of Jerusalem as the indivisible capital of the Jewish state."

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What a Rotten World It Can Be: Report Says Three-Fourths of World Is Corrupt! See where the USA ranks....

USA is no longer among the top 20 safest countries...
"There's good news if you are fortunate enough to live in places like Denmark, Finland, Canada and the Netherlands: they rank among the least corrupt nations in the world, according to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2010."

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Iran begins to load nuclear plant with fuel

Iranian authorities have began injecting uranium fuel rods into the core of the country's Bushehr nuclear power plant on Tuesday, Iranian Press TV reported.

According to the report, the nuclear plant will become operational once all 163 fuel rods have been injected into the plant's core, and it should begin generating electricity in early 2011.

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Cholera kills 1,555 in Nigeria, says U.N. -

Nigeria has suffered its worst cholera outbreak in recent years. Other African countries such as Sudan, pictured, also suffer.
"A cholera outbreak in Nigeria has killed more than 1,500 people, the United Nations said Tuesday. It is the worst cholera outbreak in Nigeria in recent years. The number of cases is three times higher than last year and seven times higher than in 2008, the United Nations Children's Fund said. The outbreak has led to 40,000 cases in Nigeria and resulted in 1,555 deaths, UNICEF said. Women and children account for four of every five cases, the agency said."

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Death Toll Rising After Tsunami Hits Indonesia -

Earthquakes! Tsunamis! and Volcanic Eruptions! ...all in one!

After a 7.7 earthquake...
"Indonesian authorities scrambled to deal with two deadly disasters on Tuesday after a tsunami and volcanic eruptions struck in separate regions of the vast Indonesian archipelago."

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FOLLOW-UP: God never left the miners in Chile | Spero News

A sign for prayer hangs on the front of a home near the Upper Big Branch coal mine.
"To those who cling to the superstition that there is no meaning to life beyond sheer material existence, we ask them to reflect on the following testimonials. Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there are no atheists in trapped mines."

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COOL NEW VIDEO! Three Events that Must Occur BEFORE The Tribulation Begins!

Are Heaven and Hell a real place? How much time do we have before the "Rapture"? Should you be worried? Will you be left behind? So much is happening in this world! How can you keep track of it all? What does it all mean to you? Listen to experts explain where we are today in the biblical end time timeline. Do you know how to ensure your eternity in Heaven? Why should you even care?

Click here to see how! ...Learn who Jesus is.... He is very alive today.

BREAKING NEWS: "There were actually 34 Chilean miners not 33!" One hour until historical rescue! Watch it live!

Fascinating!  ... Remember to keep their safety in your prayers!  It may take up to 48 hours to finish bringing them all up... First rescue attempts should start in about an hour from now.  Right now here it's 6:20 PM PST 10-12-10

"There are actually 34 Chile miners down here, not 33!"...Stated on of the miners... "The 34th person is God... He has never left us!" It has been their belief in God that has empowered them to keep going.

Watch their rescue live here!

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48 earthquakes rock Faulkner County, Arkansas

"Faulkner County residents had a shaky start to their Monday morning as a 4.0-magnitude earthquake rattled throughout the county. The quake, which occurred at 8:33 a.m. and was centered two miles southeast of Guy, was just one of 48 earthquakes reported since Wednesday afternoon."

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"President Obama stridently disavows President Bush’s understandings - with Israel - concerning sustained natural growth construction in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, as well as – supposedly - future Israeli sovereignty over “settlement blocs” in Judea and Samaria. What does such a disavowal bode for the credibility and durability of President Obama’s promises to – and understandings with – Israel?!"

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China Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Fetal Genocide

"The government has forcibly sterilized millions of Chinese women, and millions of unborn children have been aborted. China is actually celebrating its 30th anniversary of this mass extermination of human life. Babies born alive have had formaldehyde injected into the crown of their heads. Unofficial 'black babies,' those born in defiance of government edicts who are not killed, do not exist in the eyes of the state and may be denied medical care or government education. Other consequences of the One Child Polciy include an imbalance of males over females, and children growing up without siblings.

Government, unrestrained, becomes 'God' — and not a good God."

My Comment: Humm? What do you suppose millions of men without mates will do? Perhaps join the Chinese Army? That's Prophetic...

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President seeks salvation in his new world order | The Australian

...Well, this is right out of the pages of end time prophecy!...
"NICOLAS Sarkozy will use his G20 leadership role to push forward a new diplomatic and monetary world order that embraces Russia.

He proposes a powerful European alliance which could threaten to destabilise US dominance. At the same time, the ambitious French President wants to craft a new global economic framework that would give China greater influence. He plans to use the French presidency of the G20 group of world nations, which starts on November 14, to promote his redrawing of the world diplomatic and monetary stage."

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Chile to start freeing miners Tuesday night

Remember to pray for the safe rescue of the 33 trapped Chilean miners today!
American Jeff Heart, left, is one of the operators of the drill being used to rescue the trapped miners in Chile.
"Rescuers will start evacuating 33 trapped miners late on Tuesday and have successfully tested a capsule to hoist them to the surface to end their two-month ordeal, officials said on Monday. The specially designed bullet-shaped cage was lowered almost the entire length of the escape shaft without a hitch, Mining Minister Laurence Golborne told reporters. Once the evacuations start, at midnight on Tuesday (11:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday), it will take 48 hours to hoist the men up from inside the caved-in mine half a mile underground, he said."

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1 in 5 men who have sex with men have HIV, nearly half don't know it -
"One in five sexually active gay and bisexual men has HIV, and nearly half of those don't know they are infected, a federal study of 21 U.S. cities shows. Experts said the findings are similar to earlier research, but the study released Thursday is the largest to look at gay and bisexual U.S. men at high risk for HIV. More than 8,000 men were tested and interviewed, and 44% of those who had the virus didn't know they had it."

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Mass. hunting for deadly NDM-1 cousin -

"....a deadly, drug-resistant bacterium that has been detected in 35 U.S. states, The Boston Globe reported."

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Over 2,000 Prophecies Perfectly Fulfilled

Concerning these "END TIMES" we are living in.... Check out the % probability here.

"Approximately 2500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible, about 2000 of which already have been fulfilled to the letter—no errors." .... "Given that the Bible proves so reliable a document, there is every reason to expect that the remaining 500 future prophecies, those slated for the “time of the end,” also will be fulfilled to the last letter. Who can afford to ignore these coming events, much less miss out on the immeasurable blessings offered to anyone and everyone who submits to the control of the Bible’s author, Jesus Christ? Would a reasonable person take lightly God’s warning of judgment for those who reject what they know to be true about Jesus Christ and the Bible, or who reject Jesus’ claim on their lives?"

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Israel offers building halt if Jewish state recognised

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - 10 October 2010
BBC News - "Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has offered to renew a partial freeze on settlement building, if the Palestinians recognise Israel as 'a Jewish state'.

A Palestinian spokesman has rejected the condition."

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Israel makes settlement offer; Palestinians say no | Reuters

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered on Monday to renew a partial settlement construction freeze in exchange for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.

Palestinian officials swiftly rejected the proposal -- Israel's latest attempt to revive direct peace talks after the Palestinians quit the negotiating table to protest at the resumption of building in the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu announced the offer three days after the Palestinians and Arab powers gave Washington a month to persuade Israel to renew a 10-month moratorium on settlement housing starts that expired on September 26."

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Looks like Israel has been wiped off the historical map according to the Palestinian National Authority State Information Service !

When I saw, this I was reminded of the numerous public threats to wipe Israel completely off the map! I randomly found this "historical" map while looking for an image for one of my other news posts today about the peace talks. I don't know when it was created, I only know I found it on another's random post from 2003.This is not a small thing. It speaks volumes! Never think for one minute they are not serious about eliminating Israel. They are serious. ... However they will not win! Pray for the peace of Israel.


Things that make you frown and go Hmmmmmm
From Middle East Facts
"This is a map of Israel, as per the "Palestinian National Authority State Information Service". Must be a shock to those who don't believe that the ultimate goal of the Palestinians is to capture what is today's Israel... An image of their original site can be found here.

The PNA website above has since added the text "Historical Map of Palestine" although this map was only so for less than 2 years, since Lebanon declared independence in 1943, Syria declared independence in 1946 and Jordan declared independence in 1946. Of course, Palestine was never a sovereign entity. Thus, one can hardly say this is an "historical map." 

Must be what the PA would like to see in the future. 

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Ahmadinejad says Mideast to expel US with 'kick in butt' - Yahoo! News

Ahmadinejad says Mideast to expel US with 'kick in butt'
"TEHRAN (AFP) – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Sunday that Middle East nations will expel the United States from the region with a 'kick in the butt,' as he launched a vitriolic tirade against Iran's arch-foes. They have such nerve to threaten us and say all options are on the table. May the undertaker take you, your tables... away as you have dragged the world in mud,' the hardliner was quoted as saying.
'If you don't leave the region, you should know that soon the nations of the region will expel you with a kick in the butt,' he said in some of his harshest anti-US comments in recent times."

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Terrorist Travel Warning: Should You Cancel Your European Vacation? - ABC News

"With a very serious, but also very vague, travel warning issued for Europe, American tourists are wondering if they should still hop across the ocean or cancel their European vacation plans.

Those in the travel industry say the chances that you specifically will be attacked are minimal. But at least one security expert asked: Why take the risk?"

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Gulf Oil Spill - The 7 Geyzers at Biloxi Dome - Pt 1& 2

New revealing information .... Very Disturbing!

Be sure to watch this entire 15 min video and also watch part 2 for even more revealing information.

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Cancer-Causing Compounds Multiply in Gulf After Oil Spill - AOL Health

"Carcinogens have spread rapidly in the Gulf of Mexico since the region was devastated by the BP oil spill in April, according to researchers.

A report released by scientists at Oregon State University found that cancer-causing oil compounds increased by 40 times between May and June of 2010 in the waters bordering Louisiana."

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PAGER - Rapid Assessment of an Earthquake's Impact

PAGER - Rapid Assessment of an Earthquake's Impact
Click picture for real time accurate reports.


YES! There's a 100 percent chance of an earthquake today! Though millions of persons may never experience an earthquake, they are very common occurrences on this planet. So today -- somewhere -- an earthquake will occur.

It may be so light that only sensitive instruments will perceive its motion; it may shake houses, rattle windows, and displace small objects; or it may be sufficiently strong to cause property damage, death, and injury.

It is estimated that about 700 shocks each year have this capability when centered in a populated area. But fortunately, most of these potentially destructive earthquakes center in unpopulated areas far from civilization.

Since a major portion of the world's earthquakes each year center around the rim of the Pacific Ocean (Ring of Fire), referred to by seismologists as the circum-Pacific belt, this is the most probable location for today's earthquake. But it could hit any location, because no region is entirely free of earthquakes.

Stating that an earthquake is going to occur today is not really "predicting earthquakes". To date, they cannot be predicted. But anyone, on any day, could make this statement and it would be true. This is because several million earthquakes occur annually; thereby, thousands occur each day, although most are too small to be located. The problem, however, is in pinpointing the area where a strong shock will center and when it will occur.

Earthquake prediction is a future possibility, though. Just as the Weather Bureau now predicts hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms, the NEIC may one day issue forecasts on earthquakes. Earthquake research was stepped up after the Alaska shock in 1964. Today, research is being conducted by the USGS and other federal and state agencies, as well as universities and private institutions. Earthquake prediction may some day become a reality, but only after much more is learned about the earthquake mechanism

USGS Earthquake ShakeMaps

USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes TODAY!

USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes - Past 7 days

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USGS M5+ Earthquakes - Past 7 days