Has the West declared cyber war on Iran? - Science, News - The Independent

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visits one of Iran’s nuclear plants, which have come under attack from the virus
"...many analysts believe it can only be part of a state-sponsored attack, the Stuxnet worm - or 'malware' – is the first such programming creation designed with the specific intention of causing real world damage. And if the experts are right, it could herald a new chapter in the history of cyber warfare."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Is The Federal Reserve Out Of Control? Markets Across The Globe Brace For Impact As The Federal Reserve Powers Up The Printing Presses

"What in the world is going on over at the Federal Reserve? Has it gotten to the point where the Federal Reserve is completely and totally out of control?"

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Meet the Muslim Superheroes who are Ready to Indoctrinate American Kids � Publications � Family Security Matters

Excerpts: ..."In the Islamic world, cartoons have a more sinister purpose. In Iran, on Al-Quds Day, Iranian TV schedules are filled with cartoons about evil Israelis with red eyes, shooting and murdering innocent doe-eyed Palestinians. For older kids, the heroes fight back, and even get martyred in the cause of Allah. Al-Quds day, named after the Arab term for Jerusalem and initiated by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1983, is a time for Iranian media to reinforce Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic propaganda.

Muslims comprise only one and a half percent of the American population, but be prepared for the latest exercise in Muslim propaganda and toy promotion – “The Ninety-Nine”. This began life as a series of printed comic “super-hero” characters, each one representing one of the Ninety-Nine names of Allah."

"This disparity is one of the worst things affecting society at present. Christianity and Judaism do not get featured in mainstream media, but Islam is not only depicted in all strands of the media, it is being promoted by a president who seems to have forgotten what he swore to uphold when he entered office.

If Obama can promote Islam, he should also publicly promote Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and every other faith. The fact that he does not is a very worrying development in politics."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Odds of Life on Newfound Earth-Size Planet '100 Percent,' Astronomer Says

"An Earth-size planet has been spotted orbiting a nearby star at a distance that would makes it not too hot and not too cold — comfortable enough for life to exist, researchers announced today (Sept. 29).

If confirmed, the exoplanet, named Gliese 581g, would be the first Earth-like world found residing in a star's habitable zone — a region where a planet's temperature could sustain liquid water on its surface"

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Obama questioned on abortion, why he is a Christian - CNN.com

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Top 10 Surprising Results of Global Warming | LiveScience

"You've probably heard about the global warming song and dance: rising temperatures, melting ice caps and rising sea levels in the near future. But Earth's changing climate is already wreaking havoc in some very weird ways. So gird yourself for such strange effects as savage wildfires, 25-mile long icebergs, disappearing lakes, freak allergies, and the threat of long-gone diseases re-emerging."

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50 Mind Blowing Facts About America That Our Founding Fathers Never Would Have Believed

"If our Founding Fathers were alive today, what would they think of America? Surely they would be very proud that... The following are 50 mind blowing facts about modern America that our Founding Fathers never would have believed...."

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Who Is Watching You? Nine Industries That Know Your Every Move - DailyFinance

"Don't kid yourself. Real privacy no longer exists in this country.

We've long had government organizations collecting data that paints a pretty clear picture of what we do with our time. The
Internal Revenue Service knows everything about what you earn and any major transactions you make. It can access every bit of information it needs to determine how much money you should be sending on April 15."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Conservative Action Alerts | show

"ALERT: Your right to own a firearm is hanging on by a thread! In it’s most ambitious effort yet, the UN and the Obama regime are working together to pass the Arms Trade Treaty to control and/or ban ALL PRIVATELY OWNED FIREARMS! The anti-gun nuts are holding secret meetings to craft a slew of uber-restrictive gun laws known as the Arms Trade Treaty. This Progressive backed treaty could become international law as soon as 2012. The globalist gun agenda wants to disarm the world one gun at a time! Take action NOW to protect YOUR GUNS!"

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Christians, Jewish Leaders Protest Iran President Outside UN

"Christians joined with Jewish leaders Tuesday to protest the appearance of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations General Assembly this week."

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40,000 throng Western Wall Plaza for Birkat Hakohanim

"Some 40,000 Jewish worshipers thronged the Western Wall Plaza Sunday to take part in the bi-annual Priestly Blessing, which usually occurs on the second intermediate days of Sukkot and Pesach."

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Thousands attend Priestly Blessing in Jerusalem - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

"Some 15,000 people participated in the traditional Priestly Blessing in the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Sunday."
"May God bless you and guard you; may Adonai make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may Adonai lift up his face onto you and give you peace."

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firstamendmentcenter.org: analysis

"A former Silsbee, Texas, high school cheerleader did NOT have a First Amendment right to refuse to cheer for a basketball player she claimed had sexually assaulted her, a federal appeals court panel has ruled..."My client engaged in clear symbolic speech for a moment against a man who has now pleaded guilty to having assaulted her, .."

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Bite in the night: Bedbug populations surge in U.S. cities.. Even in Victoria's Secret underware!

"Bedbugs have been all over the news lately. Recently, they've made themselves nice and comfy in the high-end underwear of a Victoria's Secret in New York City and have been unwelcome guests at hotels across the nation."

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Scientists warn of possible peril from 2013 solar flare activity | Science & Technology | Deutsche Welle | 24.09.2010

1973 solar flare

"Earlier this week, scientists attending the Electric Infrastructure Security Council conference in London warned that a massive solar flare may trigger global chaos by causing blackouts and wrecking satellite communications."

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Iska Disappears With Sonic Detonation

"How can a river disappear with a loud boom and the hole where it is supposed to have gone through is dry and no more water flowing into it? ...OVERNIGHT?
Did the Sonic Detonation dry up this Slovenian River at its source?
2 kilometers and 3 meters high of flowing river has VANISHED!
Geologists say it went in the underworld ... with a BOOM!"

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Fireball seen over Santa Fe likely a meteor - The Santa Fe New Mexican

"A bright, 'significant' fireball seen passing near Santa Fe and Pecos on Tuesday night was likely a meteor, according to an Eldorado astronomer who captured the event on a special video camera."

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U.S. Walks Out as Iranian Leader Speaks - NYTimes.com

"UNITED NATIONS — The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, issued a series of incendiary comments in his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday afternoon, noting in particular that some people believe the United States orchestrated the Sept. 11 attacks as part of a propaganda campaign to “reverse the declining American economy” and to “save the Zionist regime,” meaning Israel."

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Bottom Line: She wraps it all up in 1.42 minutes!

All I can say is, .... Amen Sister! Listen closely....  
Tamara Lowe at Christ Fellowship

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Is Islam at War with the U.S.?

3 Questions - 3 Video Answers! Very Eye opening!
"Daniel Pipes is one of today’s most perceptive Middle East analysts. Pipes founded the Middle East Forum, and writes a blog at DanielPipes.org."
Hear his answers concerning questions about the Ground Zero mosque and major issues concerning the 2012 Presidential campaign.

Video 1:

Click on the title above to watch video 2 and 3 from original source.

UPDATE: 100 Days to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History!

Do not be caught unaware!
"Today marks 100 days to go until the largest tax hikes in U.S. history begin. It's also six months since President Obama signed Obamacare into law (creating many of these tax hikes in the process). It's also 40 days until Election Day."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Ahmadinejad calls Israel's Netanyahu a 'skilled killer' – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

...Why do we give this man TV air time?

"Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashed out at Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview with CNN's Larry King Wednesday, calling the Israeli prime minister a 'skilled killer' who 'should be put on trial for killing women and children.'"

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Watch out for the Super Harvest Moon - NASA Science

Super Harvest Moon (moonrise, 550px)

"For the first time in almost 20 years, northern autumn is beginning on the night of a full Moon. The coincidence sets the stage for a 'Super Harvest Moon' and a must-see sky show to mark the change of seasons."

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Police chief: Threat of attack on France hits peak - USATODAY.com

French police patrol on the platform of the Gare du Nord station in Paris, Wednesday, as part of reinforcing the city's security. Police say the threat of a terrorist attack on French soil is at its highest.
"France is facing a 'peak' terror threat, and authorities suspect al-Qaeda's North African affiliate of plotting a conventional bomb attack on a crowded target, the national police chief said Wednesday."

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FOXNews.com - Computers Explain How Moses Parted the Red Sea

Yes, the wind moved the waters, ...but remember it was God that moved the wind!
"Moses might not have parted the Red Sea, but a strong east wind that blew through the night could have pushed the waters back in the way described in biblical writings and the Koran, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday."

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FOXNews.com - Amazing Horned Dinosaurs Just Discovered on 'Lost Continent'

A bizarre dinosaur with 15 horns (at left) is one of two new close relatives of Triceratops that scientists unearthed in southern Utah from lands once part of a now-lost continent.

"On a 'Lost Continent' that once covered much of the land now occupied by the U.S., paleontologists have newly discovered fossils of two new dinosaur species, relatives of the famed Triceratops."

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Bedbugs Attack Niketown... Attack NEW YORK!

NikeTown, Google, Empire State Building, and many other retailers CLOSED because of bedbugs!!
Epidemic! Watch this video! ...Stay away from the movie theaters in NY! Watch the pre-report from National Geo then the ABC report. What a plague!

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Muslims Behaving Badly | Christianpost.com

Ken Connor

Ken Connor

Christian Post Guest Columnist

"The freedom to speak freely is a hallmark of the American constitutional tradition, as is the freedom of religion. These twin liberties are two reasons why so many people have risked – and continue to risk – life and limb to make it to our shores....So, why the double standard? Why do Muslims warrant special treatment in a country that prides itself on its ability to distinguish between the secular and the sacred?"

Click on the title above to read completely part 1 and part 2 from original source.

Ahmadinejad Wants Release of Iranians Held in U.S. - NYTimes.com

"One of the three American hikers held in Iran for 13 months on spying charges arrived in the United States on Sunday as the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that the United States, as “a humanitarian gesture,” should now release eight Iranians whom he said were illegally arrested."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

A MUST WATCH!!! US public school kids indoctrinated in Islam!


"In late May of 2010, Wellesley, Massachusetts public middle school students took a field trip to the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center - a controversial Saudi-funded mega-mosque run by the Muslim American Society of Boston. There, the students were separated by gender and the boys were asked to join the Muslim adults in their prayer. Several of the public school boys took part."


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Ahmadinejad criticizes threat of new US sanctions

"TEHERAN, Iran — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticized the threat of new sanctions against his country Wednesday, saying Iran can survive without the aid of the United States and its allies. Ahmadinejad told NBC News in an interview that Iran was justified in barring further visits by United Nations atomic inspectors."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

AFP: Russia to supply Syria with cruise missiles

"MOSCOW — Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov confirmed in Washington that Russia would supply Syria with P-800 Yakhont cruise missiles, Russian news agencies reported Friday. 'We will supply Yakhont (supersonic cruise missiles) to Syria, we will fulfil the contract,' Serdyukov was quoted as saying by ITAR-TASS news agency..."

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Will Indiana Rep. Mike Pence be our new President in 2012?

Mike Pence Wins Iowa Straw Poll 2010: House Republican Tops GOP Field For 2012 Ticket: Mike Pence
"WASHINGTON — A straw vote suggests that social conservatives favor Indiana Rep. Mike Pence to head a Republican presidential ticket with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in 2012."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Report: U.S. Ignoring Creeping Threat from Sharia Law - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

"A group of national security experts is urging the Obama administration to change its current stance on the link between terrorism and Islam."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Censored Gulf news: Sick filmmaker radio host shocking lab report (video and audio) - National Human Rights | Examiner.com

"An ill Pensacola, Florida reporter received his volatile organic compounds (VOCs) lab results this week that indicate shocking toxic levels. He has been reporting on the Gulf of Mexico operation since June 3rd."

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Iran Warns that U.S. War Ships are Within Range of Missiles

Iran Warns that U.S. War Ships are Within Range of Missiles
"In today’s Tehran Times publication, Major General Yahya Safvi warned that all of the United States Warships in the Persian Gulf are within range of their land based missile systems.

This seems to be a veiled threat to the United States to stay out of the affairs of the Iranian government and that any provocation by the U.S. would be met with military force by the Iranian leadership."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

AHMADINEJAD COMING TO U.S. NEXT WEEK: Netanyahu may be in U.S., too Joel Rosenberg’s Weblog

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to come to New York City next week for his annual pilgrimmage to the opening of the U.N. General Assembly’s fall session. He is expected to once again pray for Allah to ”hasten” the coming of the “Twelfth Imam” or the “Promised One.” He may also all for a “new world order,” after making such a call during a summit this week with African leaders."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

Abbas threatens to resign if direct peace talks fail

Abbas threatens to resign if direct peace talks fail
"Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is once again threatening to resign – this time if the direct peace talks fail, a senior PA official said over the weekend."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

SPACE.com -- Like Moths to a Flame, Alien Planets Can Flock to Nearest Star

...God created the Heavens and the Earth!
"A newfound alien solar system with planets the size of Saturn circling close to their star is helping astronomers learn how some giant worlds snuggle up to their stellar parents like moths to a flame."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

3-Million-Year-Old Whale Unearthed at the San Diego Zoo : Discovery News

"Workmen constructing a storm water equalization tank this week at the San Diego Zoo dug up a surprising find: a 3-million-year-old whale."

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Are You a "2012 Project" Follower? ...Yet?

"Are you a 2012 Project Follower?"  

Dear Readers,
I want to express a heart felt "Thanks!" to the thousands who have been viewing my posts! ...And to all of you who are now following "The 2012 Project" posts on Twitter! ( http://twitter.com/2012whoswho ) 

Even though I was enjoying my news sources! ...I was starting to feel like no one else was reading my blog, (because very few have signed up as "Followers".) ...Then I checked my Blogger stats and to my delight and amazement there are over 3,000 or you out there who have visited my site and are reading my posts! I am humbled, honored and so encouraged. I will work harder than ever to tweak this site adding more pertinent news sources and ministry links to help you all correlate for yourselves, breaking current world news stories with "End Time" Bible prophecy. 

Also, in case you haven't noticed I have changed the heading to include the mission statement of "The 2012 Project"  Please check that out.

Again thanks and if there is any positive comments concerning this blog, please feel free to reply via an email or a quick phone recorded phone message to me on Skype.  Again, "Thanks for stopping by my blog!"

Blessing to you all!  :)

SKYPE Voicemail: +19712448759  
Email: shelleykraus@gmail.com

Drug-resistant 'superbugs' hit 35 states, spread worldwide - USATODAY.com

"We've lost our drug of last resort,"

"Bacteria that are able to survive EVERY modern antibiotic are cropping up in many U.S. hospitals and are spreading outside the USA! ...public health officials say."

Click on the title above to read the full story from original source.

ABC Sport - Locusts won't threaten Melbourne Cup: VRC

The VRC is confident the Melbourne Cup will not be affected by a locust plague.
"The Victoria Racing Club (VRC) has played down suggestions that a locust plague could threaten the Melbourne Cup. The Premier John Brumby yesterday suggested the Cup could be affected by locusts."

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Infosecurity (USA) - California Head Start using RFID to track preschoolers

"This program will install sensors that would read signals put out by RFID chips embedded in jerseys worn by the program’s students. The purpose of the data collection was to track attendance and meals, ..and location"

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Dear White House Re: Oil Spill Not Gone!

...."This new scientific information tells a story that is a complete reversal of what you conveyed to the American public just two weeks ago. ...The only plausible explanation is that you rushed to put an optimistic face on the worst environmental catastrophe in American history."

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What would you do if you knew you only had 7 years left?


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World Trade Center Attacks

...I still cry.

Remembering September 11, 2001

May God Always Bless America.... Let Us Never Forget.

Middle East Peace Talks Begin

Video direct from the White House.
 I certainly hope you all know how prophetically monumental this is! ...Very surreal!
Once this peace agreement is signed, you can set your alarm clocks for the beginning of the Great Seven Year Tribulation that is spoken of in the Bible.... Then it will be time to face your creator. If you don't believe me, study it for yourself. However, you can't ask me questions when this all happens, I plan on being long gone by then! (.... I am an anxious "Pre-Tribber"!) That is, basically, I plan on "beaming up" in the "first load"! Seriously friend, time for you to trust and accept Jesus Christ, God's only son, and believe in His Holy Words. ... just saying! "Warning, Will Robinson! DANGER! DANGER!" Don't get "Lost" in Space!

King James Bible
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
1 Thessalonians 5:3

New Research Shows Size, Shape of Yellowstone Plume | articles | news

Yellowstone plume

"Much of Yellowstone National Park sits atop one of the world’s largest volcanoes -- a supervolcano responsible for several eruptions in Earth's history. New research using cutting-edge technology shows that an enormous plume almost 400 miles underground, battling daily with the Earth's tectonic plates, is responsible for the many geothermal features that make Yellowstone one of the most unique places on the planet."

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A climate warning from the deep | Environment | The Observer

"The dispersal of tiny sea creatures in Antarctica has alerted scientists to the vulnerability of Earth's ice sheets"

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Blog Archive (RSS Feeds keep this blog current. My personal posts not so necessary.)

PAGER - Rapid Assessment of an Earthquake's Impact

PAGER - Rapid Assessment of an Earthquake's Impact
Click picture for real time accurate reports.


YES! There's a 100 percent chance of an earthquake today! Though millions of persons may never experience an earthquake, they are very common occurrences on this planet. So today -- somewhere -- an earthquake will occur.

It may be so light that only sensitive instruments will perceive its motion; it may shake houses, rattle windows, and displace small objects; or it may be sufficiently strong to cause property damage, death, and injury.

It is estimated that about 700 shocks each year have this capability when centered in a populated area. But fortunately, most of these potentially destructive earthquakes center in unpopulated areas far from civilization.

Since a major portion of the world's earthquakes each year center around the rim of the Pacific Ocean (Ring of Fire), referred to by seismologists as the circum-Pacific belt, this is the most probable location for today's earthquake. But it could hit any location, because no region is entirely free of earthquakes.

Stating that an earthquake is going to occur today is not really "predicting earthquakes". To date, they cannot be predicted. But anyone, on any day, could make this statement and it would be true. This is because several million earthquakes occur annually; thereby, thousands occur each day, although most are too small to be located. The problem, however, is in pinpointing the area where a strong shock will center and when it will occur.

Earthquake prediction is a future possibility, though. Just as the Weather Bureau now predicts hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms, the NEIC may one day issue forecasts on earthquakes. Earthquake research was stepped up after the Alaska shock in 1964. Today, research is being conducted by the USGS and other federal and state agencies, as well as universities and private institutions. Earthquake prediction may some day become a reality, but only after much more is learned about the earthquake mechanism

USGS Earthquake ShakeMaps

USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes TODAY!

USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes - Past 7 days

Error loading feed.

USGS M5+ Earthquakes - Past 7 days