The Number Seven and Scripture

Seven is God's Perfect Number... Interesting!

"From the Seven days of Creation to the Seven Seals of Revelation, Scripture is saturated with the Number Seven. Just listing all the occurrences would take several pages. Essentially all biblical scholars, regardless of their stance with respect to the meaning of numbers in Scripture, have recognized the special symbolic use of this Number. It is simply impossible to miss."

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Our expanding world to top 7 billion in 2011

"WITH 267 people born every minute and 108 dying, the world's population will top 7 billion next year. While births soar, the ratio of working-age adults to support the elderly in developed countries is declining precipitously."

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Army's High Suicide Rates Linked to Risky Behavior - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

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"Static Kill" of Oil Well to Be Delayed - CBS News

Boom on the La Belle Idee corrals oil in Timbalier Bay, La., July 29, 2010.
"The government's point man for the Gulf oil spill says there's been a delay in a procedure that will help stop the gusher for good.

Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said Friday that debris was found in the bottom of the relief well that must be fished out before crews can pump mud into the broken well in a procedure known as a static kill."

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Iran Earthquake: 5.7 Quake Causes Communication Issues, Damage

Iran Earthquake
"TEHRAN, Iran — A 5.7-magnitude earthquake rattled the northeast Iranian city of Torbat-e Heydariyeh on Friday, injuring at least 110 people.

Iran's state TV said the quake also damaged several villages and temporarily disrupted communications"

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Why I Hate Evangelism |

Greg Stier
"It may come as a surprise to you that, the President of a ministry called Dare 2 Share, hates evangelism. But I do. Let me tell you why."

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Big Brother in your ... underwear?

"You know that many of the credit cards in your wallet contain radio-frequency identification chips. You may drive a car with an RFID transponder on your windshield, used for certain automated toll systems. Even your identification may contain such technology. But what will you do when RFID chips have been embedded even in ... your underwear?"

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Walmart [NYSE:WMT] to Imbed RFID Tags on Clothes Beginning August 1 : American Consumer News

172 0731085053 walmart 300x300 Walmart Scanners Privacy Concerns – Could Retailer Track your Underwear?

"Walmart [NYSE:WMT] maintains imbedding the electronic identification tags is strictly to improve inventory management. Some critics point out that putting the tags on merchandise fringes on a violation of privacy."

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'My atheism is no threat to the church'

Australia's Julia Gillard.
"CANBERRA, Australia — New Prime Minister Julia Gillard assured Australia's Christian majority on Thursday that her atheism would not affect government funding to church-run schools if she is re-elected.

Gillard, who was sworn in last month and promptly called elections, was the first prime minister in the federation's 109-year history to take an affirmation of office instead of swearing on a Bible."

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Amber Alert Needed for $8.7 Billion in Iraq Reconstruction Funds - The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) Blog

"A new report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) details how the U.S. Army’s poor financial and management systems are unable to account for $8.7 billion of the $9.1 billion in Iraqi money that was allegedly spent on reconstruction and humanitarian needs. That means 96% of those funds are unsupported and more than likely impossible to track to ensure that they were spent on their intended programs or projects."

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'Lose Christianity or face expulsion'

"Georgia student told to read 'gay' lit, attend 'pride parade,' change beliefs".

"A lawsuit againstAugusta State University in Georgia alleges school officials essentially gave a graduate student in counseling the choice of giving up her Christian beliefs or being expelled from the graduate program."

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India develops world's cheapest laptop at $35 | Reuters

India's Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal displays the low-cost computing device during its unveiling in New Delhi, July 22, 2010. REUTERS/Stringer
To say the world is changing very fast is an understatement!

"India has come up with the world's cheapest 'laptop,' a touch-screen computing device that costs $35."

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RFID Helps Florida Shoe Retailer Keep Its Customers From Walking Away - RFID Journal

"Peltz Shoes has developed its own item-level RFID system to track the 30,000 pairs of shoes at each of its Tampa-area stores, improving inventory accuracy and reducing inventory-related labor costs."

Click on title above to read the full story from original source.

Also Check out Companion story from Feb 9, 2007:
GPS Shoes Make Tracking Kids, Elderly Easier

Wal-Mart Relaunches EPC RFID Effort, Starting With Men's Jeans and Basics - RFID Journal

"The retailer has shifted its focus from tagging all pallets and cases to working with suppliers to tag items in categories where the company and its partners will see the biggest benefits."

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Bret Stephens: Why Hasn't Israel Bombed Iran (Yet)? -

"Why hasn't Israel bombed Iran yet? It's a question I often get from people who suppose I have a telepathic hotline to Benjamin Netanyahu's brain. I don't, but for a long time I was confident that an attack would happen in the first six months of this year. Since it didn't, it's worth thinking through why."

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Aid to the Church in Need: We will not give way to fear

We will not give way to fear

"Christians in Pakistan's Gojra city are determined to forge ahead with events marking the first anniversary of some of the country's worst anti-Christian atrocities, despite fresh violence which left two young men dead."

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'Jews dominate the media'

Hollywood director Oliver Stone has made anti-Semitic comments, and is a supporter of Iran and Venez
"Director Oliver Stone makes anti-Semitic comments, supports Iran."

Diaspora Affairs and Public Diplomacy Minister Yuli Edelstein slammed director Oliver Stone on Monday for giving an interview to the Sunday Times in which he downplayed the Holocaust, defended Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and complained about Jewish influence in the United States.

Edelstein said that Stone's statements to the newspaper were racist, anti-Semitic, and made him sick."

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Liberals Want Sarah Palin to Be 2012 GOP Nominee, Survey Says - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

"If former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin decides to jump into the 2012 presidential race, liberals would be thrilled, an unofficial poll released today shows."

2012 Republican Contenders

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Doomsday scenarios: is humanity prepared for the worst? | Science | The Observer

I, Robot
"Designer viruses, potent new weapons, hurtling asteroids... all have the potential to obliterate humanity. So how do scientists plan for such catastrophes?"

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Wikileaks condemned by White House over war documents | World news |

White House
"Leak of classified military reports puts lives of coalition troops in Afghanistan at risk and threatens security, claims US"

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VA Terror Suspect Wanted To Help FBI � Liveshots

"Within hours of his arrest, the Virginia man who allegedly threatened the creators of the television show 'South Park' and then tried to join an Al Qaeda-linked group in East Africa told U.S. agents he wanted to help the FBI in their fight against terrorism, according to federal prosecutors and the man's own defense attorney."

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"Now The End Begins"

We Have The Same Vision!
As you bookmark our site for the lastest in news and prophecy, we also recommend bookmarking this site as well.
Great Website! I highly recommend browsing.
I have it listed below as well as one of the feeds I enjoy.

Quote from their website:
"Now The End exists for a variety of reasons. For starters we believe that now is the time that the bible talked about when it uses phrases like "end of days", the "last days", the "last times", and the "time of Jacob's trouble".

We believe that now is that time that God, from the beginning of the Old Testament to the end of the New Testament, has warned us would one day come. God tells us who can see this to be a "watchman on the wall", blow the trumpet and warn the people that the time of God's Judgement is upon us.

We as a nation are in deep trouble, and everyone, from the strongest believer in God down to the athiest can feel that something is not quite right, that things are not how they used to be.

That is why we are here, and this website is our trumpet.

Click on title above to go to their website.

John Starnes singing "Midnight Cry"

Close your eyes and visualize this glorious picture!

Vacations Over! My Thank you video!

Good grief! So much can happen when you take a vacation! Time to get back posting! Here's a thank you link for stopping by this blog. My Bloc Party - "One More Chance" Video
Thanks.... Shelley

NASA's WISE Telescope Completes First Survey of the Entire Sky, Returning More Than a Million Images | Popular Science

"NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite has just completed its first survey of the entire sky viewable from Earth -- returning more than a million images that provide a zoomed-in look at celestial objects ranging from distant galaxies to asteroids."

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Judge in Boston rules federal ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional -

"(CNN) -- A federal judge in Boston, Massachusetts, has ruled that the federal ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional, because it interferes with an individual state's right to define marriage.
The ruling gives same-sex married couples in Massachusetts the same right to federal benefits that heterosexual couples enjoy."

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Critics call Valdez cleanup a warning for Gulf workers -

"Anchorage, Alaska (CNN) -- Two decades ago, Roy Dalthorp helped clean up the rocky shores of Prince William Sound after the tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground, producing what was then the largest oil spill in U.S. history."

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Palestinian leader calls for Arab invasion of Israel

"Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, branded a 'moderate' by the international community, let his true colors show during a recent meeting with writers and journalists when he stated that he would favor a pan-Arab military offensive against the Jewish state.

The official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida on Tuesday wrote that when Abbas met recently with media figures at the home of the Palestinian ambassador to Jordan, he recounted that during an Arab League Summit in Libya in March he told his fellow leaders that he still preferred war against Israel, but could not do it alone."

Click on title above to read the FULL story from original source. - Presbyterian Church Leaders Vote to Possibly Allow Same-Sex Marriage

"Church leaders met Thursday for their national convention in Minneapolis, where they're voting to possibly change the definition of marriage. Church leaders met Thursday for their national convention in Minneapolis, where they're voting to possibly change the definition of marriage."

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High threat-level for Israelis abroad -JPOST

Security Council tells Israeli travelers to be on high alert!
"The National Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued a general advisory Thursday calling on all Israelis traveling abroad to increase alertness, citing a “concrete, high risk” of terrorist attacks.

While the warning was aimed at all Israelis traveling overseas, the bureau mentioned in particular businessmen and former public officials as possible targets.

Citing solid intelligence, the bureau explained that “threats continue to exist against Israelis abroad, particularly business people and former officials of the security apparatus who are at a high risk for kidnapping or murder.”

Israeli travelers are asked to keep on high alert, to turn down unplanned business offers and to avoid secluded areas. The bureau believes Israelis may be the targets of revenge operations planned by terrorists.

Hizbullah is still seeking vengeance against Israel for the alleged assassination of arch-terrorist Imad Mugniyeh in 2008, it said. Teheran has also blamed Israel for the alleged assassination of a local nuclear scientist."

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Stoning may have been Stopped � Liveshots

"There are unconfirmed reports that the Iranian government has reversed the stoning sentence meted out to a mother of two. Under Iranian law, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was to have been buried to her chest in a pit of sand, then pelted with medium sized stones until she died."

I pray this is true!

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U.S. Muslim Group Wants Islamic Domination

"For most Americans, July is a time to celebrate their country's freedom and independence. But one radical Islamist group will do the opposite this month at a conference on U.S. soil. In fact, Hzib-ut Tahrir believes in the abolishment of the U.S. Constitution in favor of Islamic sharia law."

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Check Out All the Weird New Species Discovered in the Deep | TPM LiveWire

"A group of marine scientists just got back from a science-type voyage with a bunch of totally bizarre, creepily beautiful new species. Wanna see 'em?"

11 beautiful pictures!

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“US is building secret bases in Afghanistan for war against Russia” – journalist - RT Top Stories

"Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, who has made it his mission to uncover the secrets of the Bilderberg Group, has shared some of his revelations with RT. "

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Harvard Professor: ‘Exploit Gulf Disaster For Carbon Tax’

"Top elitist and Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff has shamefully called for the BP oil spill disaster to be exploited in order to create political momentum behind a carbon tax, even going to the lengths of embracing the nightmare scenario of hurricanes pushing the oil onshore as a way to create political momentum behind Obama’s dreaded “green economy”."

Harvard Professor: Exploit Gulf Disaster For Carbon Tax 080710top

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Congress Caught in Google's Wi-Spying Web, House Reps' Wireless Networks Exposed

OMG! "If there's a 'street view' of your home on Google, and you have an unencrypted wireless network, then you have been wire tapped!!

Google WiSpying scandal is one of most shocking betrayals by the Internet Goliath. Now we know that the data of members of Congress, and potentially national security secrets, could have been sucked up by Google's street view cars."


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Where does oil spill clean-up waste go? |

Good Point! "MOBILE, Alabama (WALA) - A lot of people are asking what happens to all the oil once it's been collected from the beaches and skimmed off the water.

Where does the oil go after cleanup?

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Oil Spill: BP Boss Says Relief Well Could Be Ready by End of July

"It would take a 'perfect world,' but a BP executive says the long-awaited relief well -- the 'bottom kill' to block the gushing deep sea oil spill -- could be completed before the end of July."

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Reuters AlertNet - GLOBAL: Could be a busy season for disasters

"The La Nina phenomenon has officially arrived and disaster response teams around the world might need to brace themselves for heavier monsoons, bigger and more frequent hurricanes, and angrier cyclones.
'There is global consensus that we are at the beginning of a La Nina, but we cannot pronounce the intensity of the event yet - we have to wait for it to evolve,' said Rupa Kumar Kolli, Chief of the World Climate Applications and Services Division at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)."

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@katiecouric: Benjamin Netanyahu - CBS News Video

"Katie Couric interviews the Israeli Prime Minister about Middle East peace, tension in Gaza, and Iran's nuclear ambitions."

Watch CBS News Videos Online

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US will attack Iran if it must

"JPost -After a meeting with Defense Minister Ehud Barak in Jerusalem at the David Citadel Hotel on Wednesday, US Senators John McCain, Joseph Lieberman and Lindsey Graham held a press conference where they spoke about several pressing foreign policy issues in the region.

Senator Lieberman used some very harsh language at the Wednesday press conference to describe the Iranian nuclear program, saying the US must do everything it can to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. The US will address the Iranian threat 'through diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions if we can, but through military action if we must,' said Lieberman."

Print Edition

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Passport fees going up next week -

"(CNN) -- Get ready to open your wallet a little wider to satisfy your travel bug: It is soon going to cost more to apply for a new U.S. passport or renew an old one -- a move criticized by the public and some lawmakers.
Starting next Tuesday, adults applying for their first passport book will have to pay $135 -- a 35 percent increase from the current $100 fee."

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Obama, Netanyahu Discuss Peace Process

They Cry Peace and Safety! "President Obama welcomed Isreali Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House, to discuss the peace process and the threat of Iran. - Courtesy Fox News."

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More Oil Wells in Gulf Leaking?

A new investigation suggests that thousands of abandoned oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico may be leaking. Courtesy Fox News.

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A Chip Off the Old Block: Update on Implanted Microchips - from Florida Trend, Florida's Source For Business News

"Eight years ago, when Applied Digital Solutions of Delray Beach introduced a microchip that could be implanted in humans, company executives thought they had a product that would create the ultimate portable medical record. The rice grain-sized VeriChip could save lives by providing access to vital health information in emergency situations when the patient couldn’t speak. One potential use: Keeping track of Alzheimer’s patients who are prone to wandering off but are often unable to communicate effectively because of their illness."

Scott Silverman

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91-year-old lived with husband's corpse

CRAZY SICK! "This 91-year-old widow lived by herself in a tumbledown house on a desolate country road. But she wasn't alone, not really, not as long as she could visit her husband and twin sister. No matter they were already dead.

Jean Stevens simply had their embalmed corpses dug up and stored them at her house — in the case of her late husband, for more than a decade — tending to the remains as best she could until police were finally tipped off last month, much to her dismay."

91-year-old lived with husband's corpse

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6'4" Cop tries to block video of BP worker in Ambulance - CNN iReport

"iReport — Independent producer, Marguerite Cravatt, is following the Gulf Cost Crisis, and while videotaping a BP worker being taken away in an ambulance, a 6'4' 400 lb. Gulf Shores police officer tried to block her from recording the incident. When Marguerite stated that she was being lied to, the policeman responded, 'What difference does it make? Who are you?' The BP team turned their badges backwards and tried to create a body block to keep the cameras from capturing the scene. When Marguerite asked for the phone number to the officer's supervisor, the policeman backed away and left the scene."

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If It Was My Home - Visualizing the BP Oil Spill

See how big the oil is if it had happened where you live! This map puts the oil spill at your location. It gives you a perfect idea just how horrible it is for those who live in the gulf!

Mouse plague 'worse than drought' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"Hundreds of thousands of hectares of new crops have been devoured across South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia in the worst mouse plague since 1993. Farmers warn the infestation could be more costly than a drought."

plague numbers

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Tomato plants poisoning 'industrial sabotage' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"North Queensland horticulturalists says the recent poisoning of about 7 million tomato seedlings is 'industrial sabotage'."

Poisoned capsicum seedlings sit limp in their trays in Bowen on July 6.

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Mice v locusts in battle of the plagues - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"Victorian farmers' grain crops are under a double pest attack, first from locusts and then from mice. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of new crops have been devoured across South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia in the worst mouse plague since 1993."

Mice have been seen eating locust eggs.

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Over 25% of flowers face extinction – many before they are even discovered | Environment | The Guardian

"More than one-in-four of all flowering plants are under threat of extinction according to the latest report to confirm the ongoing destruction of much of the natural world by human activity."

Meat-eating plant discovered : Nepenthes attenboroughii
The giant carnivorous plant, Nepenthes attenboroughii, is under threat of extinction - along with 25% of all others on earth. Photograph: Redfern Natural History/PAThe giant carnivorous plant, Nepenthes attenboroughii, is under threat of extinction - along with 25% of all others on earth. Photograph: Redfern Natural History/PA

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Shasta County Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Contamination Cover-Up

"Numerous residents from Shasta County have reported multiple tests to the Shasta County Air Quality District that reveal a mass contamination of both aluminum and barium. Aluminum in free form is very toxic to eco-systems and human health."

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Huge blackout strikes Sydney - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"A substation fault has left 50,000 homes and businesses in north-west Sydney without power and is causing chaos on roads.

The fault at a Transgrid substation at Dural interrupted electricity supply to the main grid, causing a widespread blackout around 5:00am (AEST)."

Stobie pole (good for blackout stories)

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Obama: 2012 Middle East nuclear conference won't single out Israel -

"Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama assured visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday that an international conference on creating a nuclear-free Middle East, planned for 2012, would not single out Israel, which is believed to have a nuclear arsenal."

Click on title above to read the full story from original source. - Uncle Sam Wants You to Have an Online ID

"Right now the federal government is proposing a new system being referred to as the “Identity Ecosystem”—which was highlighted in the recently-released draft paper, “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace” [NSTIC].

The Identity Ecosystem would allow Americans to choose to obtain a single authenticated ID for online transactions. Like a passport, this single ID could travel with them online and be used to access everything from e-mail, to online health records and banking information. Furthermore, the Identity Ecosystem would only reveal the least amount of information necessary for each transaction."

Click on title above to read the full story from original source. -- Cosmic Clouds Part to Reveal Dazzling Space Fireworks

"A young, glittering collection of stars has been caught in the act of a dazzling celestial fireworks show, in a newly released photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

The new Hubble space photo, which shows a nebula 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Carina, contains a central cluster of huge, hot stars called NGC 3603. This star cluster is surrounded by clouds of interstellar gas and dust – the raw materials needed to form new stars."

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Marine biologist claims US Coast Guard involved in Corexit spraying | Raw Story

"A marine biologist working with a group of environmentalists to save sea turtles claims the U.S. Coast Guard is involved in spraying a toxic chemical dispersant over the Gulf of Mexico; and he says it has already traveled inland.

'Do I think there's dispersants coming in and mixing with our everyday lives?' Dr. Chris Pincetich asked, speaking with a group of activists.
'Absolutely,' he pronounced."

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BP Gulf Oil Spill Health Hazards

"Workers helping to clean up the oil spill are at high risk due to direct exposure from chemicals and toxic vapors near areas where the oil plumes are surfacing. Chemical dispersants used by BP in the cleaning process pose health risks as do vapors such as benzene, one of the volatile hydrocarbons in oil. One concern is that BP is using Corexit 9500 as a chemical dispersant. It is toxic at 2.61 PPM (parts per million) and can go through a phase transition from liquid to gas and return to earth as toxic rain. It is estimated the BP has released over 1,000,000 gallons of dispersant."

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Obama, Netanyahu promise to work toward direct Mideast peace talks

"President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday pledged to work toward a new round of direct Mideast peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians, with Netanyahu saying discussions could begin within the next several weeks."

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Gulf Drinking Water Contaminated by Dispersants - CNN iReport

"...they are quite certain that already the toxic fumes have been absorbed up into the clouds and passed down onto the fresh water channels in the form of acid rain. She points out that the first sign of this occurring will be dead plants and eventually the sea life in the fresh lakes."

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Dollar should be replaced as international standard, U.N. report says -

"New York (CNN) -- The dollar is an unreliable international currency and should be replaced by a more stable system, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs said in a report released Tuesday. The use of the dollar for international trade came under increasing scrutiny when the U.S. economy fell into recession. 'The dollar has proved not to be a stable store of value, which is a requisite for a stable reserve currency,' the report said."

Under proposed system, countries would not have to buy up foreign currencies, as China has done with U.S. dollar.

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The big human die off: Who needs demons when we have BP enablers? | Before It's News

"I live in Houston too and now when I am outside for a long enough time I feel a sick feeling unlike I have never felt before and I have lived here all of my life. I can't imagine what it will be like in the next months or when a hurricane blows all of this poison more inland. It is time to wake up, people."

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Human rights activist tries to stop death by stoning for Iranian woman -

"(CNN) -- A veteran Iranian human rights activist has warned that Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, a mother of two, could be stoned to death at any moment under the terms of a death sentence handed down by Iranian authorities."

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Man's hand cut off for 'insulting Mohammed' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"Two men have been arrested in India after a college lecturer had his hand cut off for allegedly insulting the Prophet Mohammed.

A group of men attacked 52-year-old TJ Joseph as he returned from church in the southern state of Kerala. The assailants bashed him before cutting off his right hand. He was taken to hospital where he underwent surgery but it is unclear if the operation has been successful.

The lecturer, from Newman Christian College, had been on bail since April, when Muslim activists accused him of writing an exam question that generated hate speech and was offensive to the Prophet Mohammed.

The state government of Kerala has condemned the attack on Mr Joseph as a brutal 'Taliban-style' act."

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Censored Gulf oil news: Americans aerial sprayed, coated with poison (must see Video)

"Americans are being are aerial sprayed in a non-consensual human experiment according to Project Gulf Impact.
This gassing of our neighbors in the south is detailed in the following Youtube video providing science, logic and common sense.

The US has a long history of both aerial spraying and non-conensual human experimentation. (See: Vaccine Liberty or Death, Non-Consensual Human Experimentation, Timeline, Dupre)"

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God Bless America - Celine Dion


‘Kill a Jew’ page on Facebook sparks furor

"A murderous anti-Semitic theme appeared on Facebook Sunday, when a user named “Alex Cookson” launched an open invitation to an “event” called Kill a Jew Day.”

The page on the popular social networking Web site urged users to violence “anywhere you see a Jew” between July 4 and July 22. A large image of a swastika was placed at the top of the page. Under the heading “description,” Cookson wrote, “You know the drill guys. It was the fourth time that a call to murder Jews had been put on Facebook within recent days."

‘Kill a Jew’ page on Facebook sparks furor

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Blog Archive (RSS Feeds keep this blog current. My personal posts not so necessary.)

PAGER - Rapid Assessment of an Earthquake's Impact

PAGER - Rapid Assessment of an Earthquake's Impact
Click picture for real time accurate reports.


YES! There's a 100 percent chance of an earthquake today! Though millions of persons may never experience an earthquake, they are very common occurrences on this planet. So today -- somewhere -- an earthquake will occur.

It may be so light that only sensitive instruments will perceive its motion; it may shake houses, rattle windows, and displace small objects; or it may be sufficiently strong to cause property damage, death, and injury.

It is estimated that about 700 shocks each year have this capability when centered in a populated area. But fortunately, most of these potentially destructive earthquakes center in unpopulated areas far from civilization.

Since a major portion of the world's earthquakes each year center around the rim of the Pacific Ocean (Ring of Fire), referred to by seismologists as the circum-Pacific belt, this is the most probable location for today's earthquake. But it could hit any location, because no region is entirely free of earthquakes.

Stating that an earthquake is going to occur today is not really "predicting earthquakes". To date, they cannot be predicted. But anyone, on any day, could make this statement and it would be true. This is because several million earthquakes occur annually; thereby, thousands occur each day, although most are too small to be located. The problem, however, is in pinpointing the area where a strong shock will center and when it will occur.

Earthquake prediction is a future possibility, though. Just as the Weather Bureau now predicts hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms, the NEIC may one day issue forecasts on earthquakes. Earthquake research was stepped up after the Alaska shock in 1964. Today, research is being conducted by the USGS and other federal and state agencies, as well as universities and private institutions. Earthquake prediction may some day become a reality, but only after much more is learned about the earthquake mechanism

USGS Earthquake ShakeMaps

USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes TODAY!

USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes - Past 7 days

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USGS M5+ Earthquakes - Past 7 days